Why Us?

My Story

Slammed my door, screamed into the pillow, the weight of disappointment settles upon my shoulders like a heavy burden, suffocating my spirit. After hundreds of hours into the business, sacrificing my afternoons, How on earth do I set up email/text automations? What is even the first step? How do I set up websites, webchat widgets, centralised conversations? I felt like I was on my own, in a world holding these secrets away from me.

Hey I'm Mohammed and these were the thoughts after my first ever business attempt and it was potentially one of the most infuriating moments I have experienced.

But soon after it hit me. The problem isn't my work ethic, or how I learned. The problem solely down to the fact that I simply did not have access to the resources that my competitors had access too with their massive budgets, and I couldn't physically keep up.

It's not your fault, it's the fault of all these companies selling 101 different solutions to your problem, but altogether it was simply unaffordable!

And that why I have created Xenova Tech, as I know for a fact there are businesses who were in the exact same situation I was stuck in.

Making this software was not easy at all. It took me months upon months and all my early mornings and late evenings to complete, and after hours of fine tuning I am finally happy with the product.

I have put everything, and i mean everything you need to succeed in business with our All-in-One software that helps you in every department of your business. Scroll to the bottom for a visual picture of the benefits of the software.

  • Benefits:

    • Revolutionary Automations, so a new customer will never again slip away. Read more about automations here.

    • Centralised conversations, so every message your business receives is all in one inbox. Read more here.

    • Free Mobile App, so you can have the power of the software in the palm of your hand.

    • Website Builder

    • 24/7 support

    • And much more

Really think about this...

If all this helps you save tens to hundreds of hours, wouldn't it be worth it?

• If all this helps avoid the mental pain of failure, wouldn't it be worth it?

• If all this helps you look like a Business genius in front of your family and friends, wouldn't it be worth it?

Now the longer you take to make the decision to join Xenova Tech, the worse it is for you, because the clock is ticking and potential customers are available for you as you read this. The best time to join was in the past but the second best time - is right now.

The faster you join the more time you will have to do what you do best, and leave the backend functioning of the business to us. It means the more time you will have to give all your attention to your customers and give them insane value, so not only will you be outcompeting your competitors with efficient backend running of the business, but you will have enough free time to give your customers support like no other competitor can afford to give.

This is your ticket to success, you just have to reach out and take it. For those willing to invest in yourself, your future, and your success - click the button below.

Explore a better way to grow

07360 542780

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We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.